The following Doctors have been confirmed by the CHI Support Group group for having Experience in treating CHI- in Canada, France, Netherlands, UK and USA all have either offered successful treatments or advice that leads to successful treatment:
CoE denotes a ‘Centre of Excellence’ – these Doctors have been endorsed and collaborate with a keen interest and experience dealing with CHI.
CIUErn – stands for ‘Chronic Intervillositis of Unknown Etiology’ Research Network – these doctors are part of an expert network with a keen interest in researching, treating and understanding CHI and its related conditions. They participate in regular Expert Meetings with other medical professionals and pathologists to collaborate on successful treatment plans.
If you are not UK-based it is highly recommended that your medical professional reaches out to collaborate with them!
How do I use this list?
Find a medical professional who is local to you, if there isn’t one it is highly recommended that your medical professional reaches out to the UK CoEs to collaborate with them.
CHI Doctors – WW Contact List & Centres of Excellence
If you are a medical professional and want to be part of this network please make contact !